Green wave project, are you curious?



This may be the most heard and real sentence of the past years. But we don't like to be passive spectators of a common problem. Problem? Solution!  

This is why our GREEN WAVE PROJECT starts...

We'd like that the wave of sustainability starts from our Maso Santa Lucia, includes our guests with enthusiasm, melts with the reality around us... so to give a real support in protecting our precious planet. 

How we do it?

  • Solar panels: much of our heating is provided by solar panels. And if they're not enough? the pellet boiler does the work!

  • Bicycle, what a passion: we offer our guests the opportunity to use CITY BIKES for free. Forget the car and enjoy the ride!

  • Guest card, public transportation included: we offer you free Guest Card to use all public transportation and get around the area. Cool, isn't it?

  • Breakfast: we prepare our buffet with smaller portions that are always fresh so you can taste a little bit of everything while avoiding waste.

  • KM0: We collaborate as much as possible with local Farms to promote the area and support KM0. Of course we choose farms that, like us, work with and for the environment. Our own products such as grapes, oil and honey are grown organically.

  • Table linens: we have eliminated disposable tablecloths, preferring washable faux leather placemats. You know a curiosity? Even napkins can be disposed of in the wet waste!

  • Recycling: you'll find bins for proper recycling on all floors.

  • Water bottles: glass bottles only

  • In your room: shampoo and shower gel strictly in recyclable dispensers. We have eliminated monodoses as much as possible and replaced plastic toothbrush holders with ceramic ones.

  • Laundry: we try to optimize and reduce laundry deliveries to limit pollution from the means of transportation used.

  • Toilet paper: we know, it's not very poetic to talk about it... but even that is biodegradable

How can you help us?

  • Changing towels only when necessary - both in the room and at the pool.

  • Not wasting food

  • By recycling your garbage

  • By choosing bicycle or public transportation to get around.

Do you have other ideas to suggest us? Let us know!

We are waiting for you at the Maso,

Team Maso Santa Lucia

<b>Green wave project</b>, are you curious?

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Photos and Video Maker: Federico Modica
Planning, design and copy: KUMBE



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